Sunday, February 25, 2007

Just Lose It

Now if your like me there are two things in your life that are totally the bomb. that is eminem and harry potter. the fact is that so many people try to make custom music videos that so many suck but this is amazing.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The MTV misunderstanding

Alot of people now talk about how MTV is not cool and how MTV ruined music. So this was ok right, until a bunch of losers stoped watching it because they heard this. How will this make you cool? Personally i didnt watch MTV until after i heard it was ruining music, because if you really want to be cool the easiest way is out of spite. Anything you hear is lame or stupid get, or in the case of iPods dont be one of those wanna be cool people who says "oh ipods are a fad ur a follower if you get one." get one out of spite thats way better.

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